Data Collection/Project Management

To collect data from the listening sessions, the justices (in partnership with local leadership and diverse bar association leadership) sent out pre- and post-visit anonymous surveys to judicial officers, employees, and bar association members to invite comments, questions, feedback, and suggestions.  In addition, a staff member took notes at each of the meetings in the districts. The anonymous survey responses and listening session notes have been assembled in a database for analysis to continue to discern common themes and trends, and to assist the Court in developing WCI Working Groups and identifying priorities going forward.  SCAO has provided a project manager to assist with this data collection and project management to help organize this effort, and track progress on various components of the WCI.

In November 2022, an ad hoc employee committee working with the Standing Committee on Judicial Well-Being issued a branch-wide, anonymous Employee Well-Being Survey to gather information about the impact of the pandemic on employee well-being and to solicit recommendations for things the Judicial Department can do to support employee well-being.  This survey produced over 1,600 responses statewide (a 40% response rate) with themes that echoed what the justices heard during their statewide listening sessions.  This survey has resulted in the creation of an Employee Well-Being Working Group focused on digesting the data from the survey and making concrete recommendations to the Court as part of the WCI.

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