The Judicial Department works to provide equal access to Justice, contribute to public safety, and strengthen the rule of law across Colorado. Together our courts and probation departments are committed to impartial and timely dispute resolution; support for families, litigants, and victims; client rehabilitation; and meaningful community engagement.
The Colorado Judicial Department is a trusted and transparent leader in the pursuit of justice across the state, serving our communities with integrity, and providing fair and equitable access to the judicial process.
We are committed to empowering our employees through open communication, fostering a community of trust in a supportive and innovative workplace.
To act with:
To be trustworthy, diligent, and accountable, holding ourselves to a high standard of excellence in service.
To be impartial and respectful in our actions, procedures, decisions, and treatment of all.
To provide visibility on how decisions are made to stakeholders both inside and outside of the Department through regular and clear communication
To be:
An organization that is compassionate and accessible to the public, and that provides our employees with safe and equitable working environments.
An organization that works with our partners and prioritizes operating with a cooperative mindset to achieve Department goals.
An organization that is designed to be flexible and creative to meet the ever-changing needs of the public and our employees.